The Qadiriyya (Arabic: القادريه, Persian:قادریه, also translated Qadri, Qadriya, Kadri, Elkadri, Elkadry, Aladray, Adray, Kadray, Qadiri or Qadri), are members of the Qadiri Sufi-Sunni order (tariqa). This derives its name from Abdul-Qadir Gilani (1077–1166 CE, also transliterated as "Jilani" etc.) who was a native of the Iranian province of Gilan. The order relies strongly upon adherence to the fundamentals of Islam. The order, with its many offshoots, is widespread, particularly in the Pakistan-speaking world, and can also be found in Afghanistan, Iranian, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, the Balkans, China, East and West Africa. There are small groups in Europe and the Americas: the famous travelers and writers Richard Franchis Burton and Isabelle Eberhardt belonged to the Qadiri order.
This is not to be confused with Qadariyya (from the Arabic قدر, qadar, meaning fate), a theological movement in early Islam, which held, that man was endowed by Gods with free will. Qadariyya resisted the Umayyad Caliphs' claims to be ordained rulers of all Muslims by God himself, and for that reason its proponents, the Qadarites, supported the Abbasid revolution. The Qadarites (like many early theological movements, some of which had views incompatible with Qadariyya) claimed to be ideological descendants of Hasan al-Basri.
Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah for Sufi-Sunni Islam Now!!!
Sufi-Sunni Muslims have been around longer than Sunni Muslims. Non-Sunni Muslims are not academically genuine in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf, just as Sufi-lacking Sunni Muslims are not genuinely Sunni in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf. Islam can be divided into 4 kinds of Islam. Only 2 are accurate in the Islamic practices. Only 1 carries the accurate Islamic Religion. We do wish to make clear that we bear no ill will against the other versions of Islam; ours is but the academic practice that seeks to take in full Islam instead of fractured Islam. Sufism is a word that can mean more than one thing, but in the general perspective it's the Mystical knowledge of Abraham. Sufism is not always Islamic; it can be Jewish, Bahá'í or even Zoroastrian. Sufi Islam came later than Sufi-Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam and even Shia Islam. Now any Muslim whether he or she is a Sufi-Sunni, Sunni, Shia or a Sufi could very well be a sincere and devout Muslim, so we implore that no one misuses these words to say harmful things to fellow Muslims who may simply be confused about Islam.
Sufi-Sunni Islam is quite simply Islam. However, not everyone agrees what a Muslim is, due to the new and recent anti-Shariah Muslims of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. So this Journalist Blog stands to provide the Cause for Sufi-Sunni Islam.
Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah has decided to hand out the knowledge needed to all Muslims in order that you can learn how to research the Text of Imam Birgivi and how his work fully related to Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith, Shariah and Caliphate. Inshallah & Allah Knows best.
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