Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah for Sufi-Sunni Islam Now!!!

Sufi-Sunni Muslims have been around longer than Sunni Muslims. Non-Sunni Muslims are not academically genuine in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf, just as Sufi-lacking Sunni Muslims are not genuinely Sunni in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf. Islam can be divided into 4 kinds of Islam. Only 2 are accurate in the Islamic practices. Only 1 carries the accurate Islamic Religion. We do wish to make clear that we bear no ill will against the other versions of Islam; ours is but the academic practice that seeks to take in full Islam instead of fractured Islam. Sufism is a word that can mean more than one thing, but in the general perspective it's the Mystical knowledge of Abraham. Sufism is not always Islamic; it can be Jewish, Bahá'í or even Zoroastrian. Sufi Islam came later than Sufi-Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam and even Shia Islam. Now any Muslim whether he or she is a Sufi-Sunni, Sunni, Shia or a Sufi could very well be a sincere and devout Muslim, so we implore that no one misuses these words to say harmful things to fellow Muslims who may simply be confused about Islam.

Sufi-Sunni Islam is quite simply Islam. However, not everyone agrees what a Muslim is, due to the new and recent anti-Shariah Muslims of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. So this Journalist Blog stands to provide the Cause for Sufi-Sunni Islam.
Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah has decided to hand out the knowledge needed to all Muslims in order that you can learn how to research the Text of Imam Birgivi and how his work fully related to Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith, Shariah and Caliphate. Inshallah & Allah Knows best.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah

Bayramiyyah has proven to be the most true branch of Sufi-Sunni Islam.

Sadly, most of the Bayramiyyah has died out due to Pan-Turkists and the trend of Anti-Salafi Ideology, this same Egotistic Ideology is widely spreading throughout the Muslim World.

Bayramiyyah is both Salafi and Tasawwuf. Bayramiyyah is the remnant of pure-Qadiriyyah and Qadiriyyah is the original Islam. This is purely Abraham, Muhammad and Caliphate based. When the Four Diverse Shariah Schools are Restored they shall be Restored, not by Salafi Sects, It shall be Restored to the Remnant Islamic Religion, and That is the Abrahamic Religion known in English as Sufi-Sunni Islam. There is only one Ṭarīqah, and that is Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyah. In English, this translates:" The Path of Muhammad. Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyah was written by Imam Birgivi. Vasiyyetname is the Aqidah of Bayramiyyah, Vasiyyetname, which, in English, is translated: The Last Will and Testament. Vasiyyetname is also written by Imam Birgivi. Imam Birgivi wrote many books, but only Vasiyyetname and Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyah are taking full authority that they follow the highest scholarly importance for all Muslims indeed only the Hadiths, the Sunnah and the Qur'an hold higher authority in the importance of text.

Characteristic of Sufi orders is an emphasis on the unity of all things. This doctrine is expressed in the term Wahdat al-wajud (unity of being). What distinguishes Bayramiyyah as Sufi-Sunni rather than Sufi is the fact that the devotee is introduced to this concept at the beginning of his career rather than at the end as is the case in Stranded Sufi Orders. There are various stages of awareness in the spiritual development of the devotee. Firstly, the devotee must understand that all acts originate from God. Secondly, that all acts are manifestations of God's attributes. Thirdly, that existence is one. Fourthly, that everything is a manifestation of God's knowledge.

Bayramiyyah is an order derived from the Khalwatiyyah tradition. It was founded at Ankara, in Turkey, around the late fourteenth and the early fifteenth century by Hadjdji Bayram-i Wali (d. 1430). On the death of the founder, the order split. One branch followed Ak Shams al-Din, the successor of the founder and came to be known as Bayramiyye-i Shamsiyyah. The other branch, under 'Umar Dede of Bursa, called themselves Malamiyyah-i Bayramiyyah. Later, a third branch, the Djalwatiyyah, emerged under 'Aziz Mahmud Hudai (d.1629). The order continued until 1925 when it was dissolved by the newly established Secular Pan-Turkish state.

Imam Birgivi The Last Great Saint (1522–1573) was a Sufi-Sunni Muslim scholar and moralist who lived during the height of the Old Ottoman Empire and whose texts are used to this day as manuals of spiritual practice throughout the Muslim world.

Born Muhammad ibn Pir Ali, in Balikesir, Turkey, in 1522, Muhammad was sent to Istanbul to study theology as a young man. Later, he studied law under the Chief Military Judge of the Ottoman Empire. He became a Sufi-Sunni Muslim and attached himself to a Sufi-Sunni Master of the order of Bayramiyyah.

After working as a judge for a short period, Birgivi became an ascetic; resigning from his government post and returning his salary. However, his master instructed him to become a teacher of religion and morals (and to write) instead. Through the gift of a patron, a school was built in the city of Birgiv and Muhammad ran it. Now known as Imam Birgivi, his fame quickly spread as a result of his school and the twenty-seven books he published.

Birgivi and his disciples were vocal critics of corruption within the Empire and without, particularly decrying the twisting of Islamic teachings for the benefit of the rich. At one point, Birgivi traveled to the capital of the Empire and personally took the Prime Minister to task. This reprimand was taken well by the Minister, who consulted him on how to cure the degeneration of the Islamic virtues.

The Most revered successor of Imam Birgivi was Imam Yoseph Kaba Bin Sujiman a Pakistani American who Died September 11th 2001 in the World Trade Center. Imam Imam Yoseph Kaba Bin Sujiman was an Anti-Deist who rightfully connected both the Right Wing Propaganda system of Protestants Worldwide and the left wing propaganda system of Atheists worldwide are controlled by the Deist World Bankers. He also determined that with the Dismantling of Zionism and Zionist lobbyists that Deism would be left venerable for the world over to denounce as the evil dictatorship that it is. Every Friday before Imam Yoseph Kaba Bin Sujiman would close a service in Masjid he would say Allah Hafiz

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