Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah for Sufi-Sunni Islam Now!!!

Sufi-Sunni Muslims have been around longer than Sunni Muslims. Non-Sunni Muslims are not academically genuine in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf, just as Sufi-lacking Sunni Muslims are not genuinely Sunni in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf. Islam can be divided into 4 kinds of Islam. Only 2 are accurate in the Islamic practices. Only 1 carries the accurate Islamic Religion. We do wish to make clear that we bear no ill will against the other versions of Islam; ours is but the academic practice that seeks to take in full Islam instead of fractured Islam. Sufism is a word that can mean more than one thing, but in the general perspective it's the Mystical knowledge of Abraham. Sufism is not always Islamic; it can be Jewish, Bahá'í or even Zoroastrian. Sufi Islam came later than Sufi-Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam and even Shia Islam. Now any Muslim whether he or she is a Sufi-Sunni, Sunni, Shia or a Sufi could very well be a sincere and devout Muslim, so we implore that no one misuses these words to say harmful things to fellow Muslims who may simply be confused about Islam.

Sufi-Sunni Islam is quite simply Islam. However, not everyone agrees what a Muslim is, due to the new and recent anti-Shariah Muslims of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. So this Journalist Blog stands to provide the Cause for Sufi-Sunni Islam.
Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah has decided to hand out the knowledge needed to all Muslims in order that you can learn how to research the Text of Imam Birgivi and how his work fully related to Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith, Shariah and Caliphate. Inshallah & Allah Knows best.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sufi-Sunni Muslims V.S Sunni Muslims

Sufi-Sunni Muslims have been around longer than Sunni Muslims. Just as, non-Sunni Muslims are not genuine Muslims. LIKEWISE, Sufi-lacking, Sunni Muslim are not genuine Sunni Muslims. Islam can be divided in 4 kinds of Islam, only 2 of which are really Islamic, and only 1 of which carries the accurate Islamic Vision.

Just as there are devote Sunni Islamic Salafiyyah who are patient to call Moderate Sunni Muslims and

Al-Fatwah Muslims to Tawhid, likewise the Sufi-Sunni Islamic Salafiyyah are also very patient to call Contemporary Sunni-Sufi Muslims and liberal Sufi-Sunni Muslims to Tawhid. This is why this blog is Sufi-Sunni Islam rather than which, there have been requests for such a website.

Even though, Sufi-Sunni Muslims make up a very small minority of Muslims today this wave of Islam is growing and, in fact, Qadiriyyah the Salafi Mystical Islam is growing in large and unexpected numbers, not everyone is completely capable of embracing Orthodox Islam even if it is in its rich and Original form that holds fast to the Mystical tenets of the Salaf. That is why we who remain Bayramiyyah formed this blog: to bring the Qadiriyyah Muslims who are still in ties with the Bayramiyyah Order. With their help, we got the Suhrawardiyya, Ba'Alawi tarqa and Badawiyyah. We can be found congregating on Facebook at "". Qadiriyyah is reemerging in Turkey. The Turkish Republic is unhappy about this because it not only has gotten respect form Sunni Muslims who are Joining, but Eastern Christians and Sephardi Jews have been endorsing them as well as possibly Restoration of the Ottoman Caliphate is seen as a Threat to Pan-Turkism. Fortunately many of the younger generation Turks are identifying that Pan-Turkism as a form of Pan-Arab Nationalism and these younger Muslims are identifying Pan-Arab Nationalism as a wave of Nazism no better than Zionism or Reichism.

So why Sufi-Sunni Islam over Sunni Islam?

#1 Sunni Islam always leans to either Religious Pluralism or Religious Exclusivism and even Islamic Inclusivism. Usually it's the Salafiyyah who deviate from Ṭarīqah that might teach Religious Exclusivity something Muhammad always looked down on. Usually, the partakers of Islamic Inclusivism are moderate Sunni Muslims. Superiority is not the spirit nor attitude of a Muslim; this very attitude is where the Islamists usually come with the Islamic Modernization shirk, even though Islam is eternal and the Modern World should apply itself to Islam rather than Islam applying itself to the Modern World. Inclusivism is, in fact, a clear trend of Anti-Religion and Islam is the most Religious of Religions thus Anti-Religion is our arch enemy because it is the Army of Satan and thus all Muslims who hate Religion are self hating. Al-Fatwah Muslims tend to be into Religious Pluralism, and this is almost as bad as Religious Exclusivism. To understand this better, please read the english Fatwah for Islamic Seekers'.

"Is every Religion true?" says the Sunni Muslim "Yes" says the Sufi-Sunni Muslim. "Are the other Religions equal to Islam?" says the Sunni Muslim "No" says the Sufi-Sunni Muslim. Now, the Sunni Muslim thinks himself superior to members of other faiths and later is rebuked by the Imam. The Sufi-Sunni Muslim hears this and says to his Sunni Muslim friend and says "Why would you exult yourself like that?" "This is not what the Deen is about" The Sunni Muslim replies "Because you said Islam is the superior Religion" The Sufi-Sunni Muslim replies "I never said a Muslim was superior to someone else of  another Religion. I only meant that Islam has the full truth. Every Religion is true, and every Cult is false, but only Islam has the total Truth that is why Islam is the superior Religion" The Sunni Muslim starts to do well by other Religious people of every faith but then he starts to bully Occultists until he is rebuked by the Emir for attacking Cults who have not provoked Muslims or any other Religious Group. The Sufi-Sunni Muslim hears about this and asks his friend if he is a sane man to which the Sunni Muslim replies "Are we not to stomp out those who are false?" The Sufi-Sunni Muslims say, "No. Because every Cult has a period of hiding and a period of attack. Then, and only then, do we fight back". The Sunni Muslim then says, "Why not attack them before they attack us?" The Sufi-Sunni Muslim says, "Because everyone always remembers who the instigator was in matters such as these. Let it be the Occult and not Islam and, indeed, not any other Religion. Anti-Religion is too big as it is, and other Cults are attacking all Religions now, especially Islam. Thus, we stand in the light, of history as being wrongfully persecuted so that humanity may say, in the times to come, 'Religion was not the enemy. Religion was the good of Humanity, and Islam the Purest among them,". Islam is the path of dedicated diplomacy as well as submitting to Allah. "This is what Sufi-Sunni Muslims know about the True Islam, every Religion is true that's why it is Religion, but only Islam has the full truth. Sufi-Sunni Muslims do not fall into the extreme traps they do not sell out the Sufism of Muhammad nor do they know whether they or anyone Muslim or non-Muslim shall go to Heaven or not. Sufi-Sunni Islam is about the true Mysticism and responsibility we are aware they other Religions are not false because we know that Muhammad rejected Religious Exclusivism. If a Muslim thinks Mysticism is forbidden in Islam then he clearly thinks the Qur'an is blasphemous because nothing is more Mystical than the Qur'an. Universalism is just a weak way of saying Religious Pluralism, and this is almost as bad as Religious Exclusivism.

#2 Sufi-Sunni Islam teaches Religious Interiorism. Religious Interiorism sees the words of Allah hidden within the religions of the world. We do not know if anyone of another Religion is going to Heaven or Hell nor do we know if we are going to Heaven or Hell, why should we if Muhammad did not know then why would we? We are not better than the Prophet so this should keep us humble before Allah that we might receive his Mercy. Remember there is no such thing as a false Religion every Religion is true. We should never assume that the other Religions are false or that we are assured a seat in paradise. We need to remind everyone that only Islam contains the full truth like every Religion we hold that ours is the one with the most facts, and we must respect those who do not agree with us, but make no mistake only Islam holds the full message of Allah to humanity.

#3 Sufi-Sunni Islam also teaches the full truth about the religions. No religion in its full context teaches that the other religions are false. No religion in its full context claims some kind of monopoly on salvation. Now indeed most every religion has it's batches or brake offs that insinuate such absurdities.  This is not a religious concept at all. This is the definition of occultist supremacy which always stands out more than occultist cross-culturalism. Now Islam does teach - just as every religion teaches - that it holds the most facts this is undeniably the truth. Islam rejects Universalism because it is a mask for Crossculturalism and the pluralist view of Crossculteralism is a threat to all religions. Another thing that Sufi-Sunni Islam highlights - and every Sufi-Sunni Muslim is obligated to highlight due to the confusion that is growing around this issue - is that true multicultural society will always flourish best under the Caliphate. This is what gives Islam the most value, in our statement that we really do hold the most facts than any other religion. Do not be bullied or pressured into believing the secular propaganda that humanism and secularism somehow work better than religious systems, these systems are censoring Anti-Zionist Jews - even co/opting conspiracy theorist forums in order to convince everyone that the Talmud is Zionist EVEN THOUGH THE TALMUD IS THE REAL ROOT OF JEWISH ANTI-ZIONISM & JEWISH ANTI-RACISM - they are even persecuting Jews who simply wish to end the Occupation of the west Bank, and Gaza, this system of secularism and humanism is also why the Tibetan Buddhists are being killed off - even though the Dalai Lama is supposedly well respected by the secular-world because he authored a bunch of life changing books - that's right the Buddhists are being persecuted as a bold effort by Atheist Extremists to destroy them. This same secular system is behind most of the increasing Islamophobia. So this indeed shows that the true ambition of the secular-world is not multiculturalism but instead the assimilation of the whole world in slow motion. The hostile takeover of the world in slow motion fueled mostly by corporate interests, and this is becoming more clear every day. The process of cross-culturalism is the first step in doing this. Sufi-Sunni Islam emphasizes that Mysticism is the only way to make peace in the advancing world we live in not Universalism. Mystics emphasize how all is connected there are countless references in Qur'an and Hadith that show this in the most clear cut way. Universalism is something that most schools of Sufi Islam teach, and this is what latter gives rise to the cut-off indifferent Muslim who only feeds Islamophobia. Sunni Islam rejects Mysticism, and this is an innovation if you reject Mysticism you reject that Allah made all things and that everything is truly in his control. Most of our people have things backwards that you could give them all the proof in the world and yet still they will reject it. The same traps that the Christians and the Jews have been known to fall into many of us are bathing in. Indeed we even find that many of the people of the Book hold fast to their Deen that we most of us are holding fast to our Deen. Nothing would be more conferring than for us all to be titled Muslim but due to the methods of following Qur'an and Sunnah first and then - AND THIS SECOND PART NEEDS TO BE DONE AS WELL - considering every thing else that does not contradict sound aqidah we must identify by Sufi-Sunni, Sunni, Shia, and Sufi and so us who are Sufi-Sunni Muslims should not fear explain this by pointing out this definition to our Sunni Muslim kin.

& Allah knows best..

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