Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah for Sufi-Sunni Islam Now!!!

Sufi-Sunni Muslims have been around longer than Sunni Muslims. Non-Sunni Muslims are not academically genuine in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf, just as Sufi-lacking Sunni Muslims are not genuinely Sunni in light of the historical continuity of the Salaf. Islam can be divided into 4 kinds of Islam. Only 2 are accurate in the Islamic practices. Only 1 carries the accurate Islamic Religion. We do wish to make clear that we bear no ill will against the other versions of Islam; ours is but the academic practice that seeks to take in full Islam instead of fractured Islam. Sufism is a word that can mean more than one thing, but in the general perspective it's the Mystical knowledge of Abraham. Sufism is not always Islamic; it can be Jewish, Bahá'í or even Zoroastrian. Sufi Islam came later than Sufi-Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam and even Shia Islam. Now any Muslim whether he or she is a Sufi-Sunni, Sunni, Shia or a Sufi could very well be a sincere and devout Muslim, so we implore that no one misuses these words to say harmful things to fellow Muslims who may simply be confused about Islam.

Sufi-Sunni Islam is quite simply Islam. However, not everyone agrees what a Muslim is, due to the new and recent anti-Shariah Muslims of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. So this Journalist Blog stands to provide the Cause for Sufi-Sunni Islam.
Bayramiyyah of Qadiriyyah has decided to hand out the knowledge needed to all Muslims in order that you can learn how to research the Text of Imam Birgivi and how his work fully related to Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith, Shariah and Caliphate. Inshallah & Allah Knows best.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bayramiyyah Sultanate Authority

Bayramiyyah is large in Russia, Canada and America although mostly hidden.
Bayramiyyah is very close to Al Yatziban a Jewish group, the closeness of this relationship is based on the fact that Yatziban Jews hold Muslims of Bayramiyyah to be the original Muslims. However due to the decline of the Bayramiyyah Sultanate rule over the Ummah of Muslims; Al Yatziban has declared independence from Islamic rule, Yatziban Jews believe that in order to protect their own from Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, Globalism, Nationalism, Americanism, Islamism, Zionism, Pan-Arab Nationalism and any trends of Judeophobia they must not rely on the protection of Islam that they used to enjoy and if we are truthful they are very justified because we are well aware that Bayramiyyah is the oldest most preserved Salafiyyah, thus we need to understand that those Islamic groups who are illiterate to the old customs of Al Yatziban, Rastafari, Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy make Ahl-Al-Kitab feel uneasy about FAKE-Salafiyyah who would treat them with unfairness. Those who are part of Al Yatziban are converting non-Muslims to Noahide faith and they are converting those they believe to be spiritual ites to Judaism, they are also converting ancient Israelis to Judaism and they are converting many of our Jewish reverts back into Judaism, in context we may think this is heresy but this is not the case, remember Al Yatziban does not believe Muslims should convert to Judaism under any circumstances unless of course these Muslims were Jewish reverts to Islam, we are of course referring to the descendants of Jewish reverts to Islam more than we are talking about new reverts. Many of the Yatziban Jewish leadership feel that the hypocritical Wahabbists control Salafiyyah, this is not completely true or completely false. The Al Hadith Muslims are increasing while the Wahabbists are decreasing. But the truth is Wahabbists are in the same field as Freemasons and Jesuits. The Wahabbist fraternity-lodges are much like the Jesuit fraternity-lodges, hypocritical and oppressive. The Al Hadith sect has challenged us repetitively in the manner of which religions we recolonize as religions, they have major criticisms towards us for our acceptance of Bahá'í Faith and Non Theism. The Non Theists developed in due to the conditions around them, this is what happens when Secularism and Humanism dominates society, you end up with those who find it impossible to believe in God and yet can not out rule the existence of Fate and/or Nature. The Non Theist is recognizable as a religion, it was painted by the cultures around it, many of the Non Theists feel that God is a principle, this is not true disbelief(Atheism) and this is not Skepticism(Agnosticism) this is the result of those who lack the awareness of faith and the wisdom it holds, this is a phenomenon that needs correction, but that correction can never be forced. The epidemic of Atheism came originally as the result of Western Christianity and all the negative feelings it has given much of it's own adherents. Agnostics typically see Atheism as just another religion and believe that it is nothing more than the opposite extreme of theism, this is because Agnostics feel that Atheism is the unprovable statement that God does not exist and that Theism is the unprovable statement that God exists. It should be mentioned that our Al Hadith brothers do not understand why we can recognize an Atheist as a Muslim or a Agnostic as a Muslim, what they do not realize is that Muslim-atheists and Muslim-agnostics are typically what we call the Liberal Sufi-Sunni Muslims this is also were Muslim-homosexuals and Muslim-lesbians too although sometimes Muslim-homosexuals and Muslim-lesbians fit into the category of Contemporary-Sunni Sufis, this subject may very. Suhrawariyya is part of Contemporary Sufi-Sufism and not part Salafiyyah, yet some of the Suhrawariyyah make up the adherents to Liberal Sufi-Sunni Islam. Ba'Alawi tarqa is one hundred percent Liberal Sufi-Sunni Islam. The Badawiyyah was founded in the thirteenth century in Egypt by Ahmad al-Badawi (1199-1276)  As a tarika, the Badawiyyah lacks any distinct doctrines and typically borrows from Sufi Philosophy basic Sunni fatwahs as well as Qadiri (non-Bayrami category) teachings; this grouping counts as Liberal Sufi-Sunni Islam, this grouping is misunderstood and unfortunately remains subject to the censure of the Ulama.  It was, however, extremely popular during both the Mamluk and Ottoman periods of Egypt. Mamluk Sultans often supported elaborate 'Mawlids' at the resting place of Sheikh Ahmed al-Badawi (or Seyyid Badawi as he is more commonly known) in the Nile Delta town of Tanta. The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in nineteenth century Iran, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories. The Bahá'í Faith emerged in a land that has been mostly dominated by the Shia and this is the primary reason why Bayrami Salafiyyah refuse to condemn it as a falsehood. And yes it is true that according to Bayramiyyah, Homosexuals and Lesbians should never convert to Islam, however it is also true that if someone was born into the Deen of Islam and that person just happens to be Homosexual or Lesbian then said/Muslim is not just outright rejected. And indeed it is also true that any one who is part of Bayramiyyah is forbidden to partake in any non-heterosexual activities. What many do not know is that any Sufi-Sunni Muslim who was born into this Deen that is of Homosexual or Lesbian orientation that is outside of Bayramiyyah is not condemned by Bayramiyyah. Bayramiyyah also recognizes Al Yatziban as the oldest chain of Judaism just as Al Yatziban recognizes Bayramiyyah as the oldest chain of Islam. Bayramiyyah also recognizes that Al Yatziban has authoritative say in historic context as long as is does not conflict with Bayramiyyah, this is why Bayramiyyah reconizes that Rastafari is the Sabean religion. And make no mistake about it was propositions and proposals Bayramiyyah that started the United Religionist Confederacy this we know was the right thing to do in the struggling circumstances of the Global crisis of today with all the Globalism and Nationalism that is killing not just Islam but all religions. We as Muslims can not afford the hypocrisy has thus on us by Nationalism, yet at the same time we are now forced to use Nationalism as a wepon against Globalism. Nationalism is not compatible with Islamic-politics, Islamic-politics is only expressed in genuinely in the Bayrami-Sultanate and Bayrami-Caliphate better know as the in the West as the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was not an Empire in it's first period, it became an empire in it's second period. The remnants of the Bayramiyyah Sultanate Authority that dominate the TRUE-Ottoman leadership are in Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh, so far only Pakistan on it's National level is coming to terms with Bayramiyyah Sultanate Authority, but this is only in part there is another part of Pakistan who holds egotistical opposition against Bayramiyyah Sultanate Authority, in general Pakistan is divided. It is important to understand that there is only one Ummah and that the Ummah is not an Empire, and it's also to be noted the Ummah is not a government nor is the Ummah some kind of Islamic-leadership. The Ummah is the entirety of all Muslims. Thus it is much easier to assume the position of a basic Emir or indeed have several Emirs. The Ummah should not be confused with the Sultanate or the Caliphate. The Ummah is the entirety of all Muslims just as the Church is the entirety of all Christians and just as Church is the entirety of all Christians LIKEWISE Israel is the entirety of all Jews. Jews can not be a Nation-state and neither can Muslims be a Nation-state, to best understand Islamic-politics it is best understood by holding it up to Jewish politics on a historic level, and the reason for this is that the Jews were are the remnant the original-Muslims. The Caliphate can be compared to the Kingdom of Israel - Malkhut Yisroel founded by the Prophets; King David and King Solomon. The Sultanate can be compared to the Land of Israel - Eretz Yisroel founded by the Judges forming a confederation of territories untied by a Judge or Judges. In a Caliphate you have the Caliph who acts upon the laws of God to enable justice and insuring peace and fairness for men and women as well. This is also why we know that Jewish-politics and Zionism are opposite of each other because in today's age Israel is in exile and the pillars to their Caliphate are very much gone, this is also why it is treason to hold more favor on Karaite Jews, Karaites are the Jewish equivalent to the Shi'a. Zionism flourishes stronger in Karaite-politics whereas in Rabbinical-politics (when followed) Zionism is impossible to uphold. The Jews of Muhammad's time were Rabbinical and the Talmud is the Hadith of Musa, yet sadly it is the tendency of Sunni Muslims(many NOT all & clearly NOT most) to hold up Karaites as the truer-Jews, this is blasphemous thinking in it self because it's clear that what survives of the Hadith of Musa is in the Babylonian Talmud, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Tosefta. It is also clear that Karaites have no unifying Jewish-Aqīdah whereas the Rabbis do. Sunni Muslims are not very good at answering the question put forth to them by the Sha'i "Why did you kill the Prophet's grandson?" and this is because Sunni Muslims reject Taṣawwuf and as a result they have inherently flawed behavior. Taṣawwuf was a word developed to distinguish TRUE-Sunni Muslims from these deviaters. As for the concept of Taṣawwuf it was practiced by Muhammad himself. The Aqīdah of Bayramiyyah is called Vasiyyetname. Vasiyyetname says seventy thousand Jews of Isphahan will join Dajjal, according to the late Imam Yosef Kaba Bin Sujiman these are Karaites.
Islamism is NOT a genuine alternative to Islamic-politics
Pan-Arab Nationalism is the only thing worse than Islamism.
The genuine alternatives to Islamic-politics are . . .   
National Cosmopolitanality
Religionism under a Religionist Confederacy
Communitarian Anarchism
Azzaam Abdul-Hakeem seems to upset many Muslims because he takes a strong stance against Salaffiyyah. What most do not realize is that Azzaam Abdul-Hakeem has never met any real Salaffiyah he keeps encountering Sectarian Pseudo-Salafists usually the Muwahhidun type whom he has rightfully referred to as Khawarij over and over again. Many leaders of  Bayrami Salafiyyah have sought contact with Azzaam Abdul-Hakeem but to many members of the House of Saud seek to block any contact we attempt to make.
Some of the youth say that there is an attempt to make Azzaam into a extremist and co/opt his every operation. But we must trust in Allah and hope he hears us. And yet another point of interest is that many seem to mistake Azzam as being tied to Pan-Arab Nationalism, this not true if anything Azzaam is tied to the Arab Nationalism of Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein. According to Herbert Dillon it is Azzaam who has properly expressed the Patriotic Nationalism that Fredrick Danson said had to exist in order to protect every Religion, Culture, and Nation from both Globalism and typical versions of Nationalism.

The Sunni/Shia sectarian divide is deeply rooted in Islamic history, on the one hand the Sunni argument is based on the Hadith and the Shia argument would seem to fail because of this, however the Sunni side of this conflict lost much of it's credibility by murdering the grandson of the Prophet and this is one of the major separating between Sufi-Sunni Islam and Sunni Islam.

Bayramiyyah sets the major standard for what counts as Hadith for Sufi-Sunni Islam. Shiʻa and Sunni, have different sets of Hadith collections and Sunni Islam has almost the exact same Cannon that Sufi-Sunni Islam has. Bayramiyyah sets Quran, Sunnah then Hadith as first in authority after that comes the writings of Imam Birgivi then finally the writings of Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani.  
When the Great Saint Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani contradicts the Quran and Sunna/Hadith then his writings are bypassed, Al Hadith Muslims quite often ask Bayrami Muslims how Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani does not contradict Quran and Sunna/Hadith and the unchanging answer to this is that mystery of this was solved by the last Great Saint Imam Birgivi. It is from Imam Birgivi that the harmony of Quran and Sunna/Hadith is revealed on track with the writings of Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani.  
Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani's writings are many and Bayramiyyah makes the reprinting of them all mandatory, but the ones that are mandatory for study are as follows; Sirr al-asrar(the Secret of Secrets),  Futuh al-Ghaib(Revelations of the Unseen), Al-Fath ar-Rabbani(The Sublime Revelation), Jala' al-Khawatir(The Removal of Cares),  Malfuzat(Utterances of Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir),  Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq(Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the Path of Truth), Khamsata 'Ashara Maktuban(Fifteen Letters), Al-Fuyudat al-Rabbaniyya(Emanations of Lordly Grace) and Bashair al-Khairat(Glad Tidings of Good Things

Imam Birgivi's writings are many and Bayramiyyah makes the reprinting of them all mandatory, but the ones that are mandatory for study are as follows; Vasiyyetname(The Last Will and Testament) and Al-Tariqah Al-Muhammadiyyah(The Path of Muhammad)

When dealing the other religions it is important to make sure that we do not offend or assume that we are better than them to do so is against Islam. One of the primary reasons why we are not ready for the Caliphate is that Extremists who hate the Freedom of Religion granted in a Caliphate will do everything they can to undermined the Sharia so that Freedom of Religion is outlawed even though it is part of Shariah to have it. If a non-Muslim can not pay a tax we do not persecute them and today almost all Muslims have forgotten this.     

The reason why we recognize other faiths should not have to be explained, yet due to the bida coming out out of the World today, we need to reaffirm how it was Islam that promoted Freedom of Religion.
We need to make our message mandatory throughout the Muslim world that we can and will fight imperialists yet we will never promote the falsehoods of Islamism. Many ask why we embrace the Islamic Republic of Iran even though we reject Islamism and our answer to this is very simple, the answer of course is that we do not embrace the Islamic Republic of Iran rather we except the existence of Islamic Republic of Iran for reasons of mutual survival. Yet what also needs to be made abundantly clear is that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not Islamist at all, the Islamic Republic of Iran may base it's government on Political Islam, however Political Islam is NOT Islamism. Islamism is the merging of Muwahhidun sectarianism with Statism.
The system of the Caliphate is a Government system of moralist World-community Federation.
Political Islam is a Socialist tacit movement for Muslim dominated counties like Iran.
The amusing thing is although the word Socialist may not be used by our Emirs the fact that every World Religion is Socialist in the economic concept is undisputed except by American members of the world Religions. Surviving in the Modern World of Secular supremacy for most non-Sufi Sunni Muslims means that only Socialism and Democracy can work, and as long as this does not mean Marxism or National-socialism Sufi-Sunni Muslims may even to some extent agree given the approach.
Political Islam works works better with the Shi'a and not so much with the Sunni nor the Sufi.
Sufi-Sunni Islam does have a idea for Political Islam and this of course would be very Socialistic in nature, the idea is the Reconstructed Ottoman Sultanate, although Sufi-Sunni Islam is geared against pragmatism Sufi-Sunni Islam utopianism thus why Sufi-Sunni Muslims are willing to tolerate Nationalism to some extent.
The Reconstructed Ottoman Sultanate has zero tolerance for Islamism.
Islamism is fundamentally a Western ideology, just as the Saudi Royals that back Islamism are Western.

The aggravation of Nationalism and Globalism: 
Patriotic Nationalism is the idea that Nationalism can be distinct from Nationality, that is to say that, Patriotic Nationalism can recognize the difference between the Nation-state and National-identity.
Nationalism is problematic for Muslims because it fuses the Nation with the State.
Nationalism does not correlate with Islam.
Fredrick Danson had stated to the United Religionist Confederacy that both Country and Territory have something in common, what these have in common is that they are both grouping of people on land.
Fredrick Danson also stated that the difference between Country and Territory is that country is defined as a grouping of people on a Sovereign land of Civilization yet territory is defined as a grouping of people on a land that is without civilized sovereignty this such as Patriarchal territory or Tribal territory. 
According to Fredrick Danson a State is when people are property of their own country.
Fredrick Danson also maintained that Nationalism was setup to marginalize loyalists of moralist society and overthrow religious unity, yet Fredrick Danson also maintained that the very same people who started Nationalism no longer benefit from Nationalism and this is why Globalism is taking it's place in the World.
Many things could be said about Fredrick Danson yet he was a good friend to the United Religionist Confederacy and it was agreed that Globalism is such a threat that some form of Nationalism is necessary to ensure a separation of powers worldwide until Globalism can be destroyed, the only form of Nationalism that can do is Patriotic Nationalism and to explain this something must be explained concerning Patriotic Nationalism.      

Patriotic Nationalism:
First it is important to explain Patriotism: 
So according to Fredrick Danson Patriotism is 

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